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Tower of God (2020) Dubbed (Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu) Watch | Download

Watch and download Tower of God (Kimi no Tou) in Hindi Dubbed, English Dubbed, Tamil, and Telugu Dubbed for free in multiple qualities on HenaStream.

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Watch Tower of God Season 1 Online
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
The movie is completed...

Animename: Full Information, Download Links

Anime Info

  • Title: Tower of God
  • Type: Tv Series
  • Episodes: 13
  • Status: Completed
  • Released: 2020
  • Premiered: Spring 2020
  • Country: South Korean
  • Broadcast: Wednesdays at 12:30 AM (Japan's Standard Time))
  • Studios: Telecom Animation Film
  • Source: Webtoon
  • Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Mystery
  • Duration: 24 Minute/EP
  • Languages: Hindi, English, Japanese, Tamil and Telugu
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Alternative Names:English - Tower of God | Japanese - Kami no Tou (神之塔) | Synonyms - Tower of Heaven
  • IMDB Rating: 7.5
  • My Animelist Rating: 7.6
  • Anilist Score: 76%
  • Anime Planet Score: 4.5/5
  • Popularity: "Tower of God" anime holds a 7.56 rating on MyAnimeList (#1689 rank) and 7.7 on IMDb. It's considered one of the most popular webtoons globally, praised for its unique art style and diverse characters.

Main Characters

  • 1. Twenty-Fifth Baam:
    - Age: Unknown
    - Gender: Male
    - About Character:

    Twenty-Fifth Baam is an Irregular and one of the main heroes in Tower of God. He begins his journey to find his best friend, Rachel, and after successfully completing Headon's test, he gets the chance to climb the Tower. In Part I, Bam is a young man full of compassion and care. He is new to the world, having barely interacted with anyone before he met Rachel and entered the Tower. He deeply dislikes being alone and feels the pain of others who are lonely. People often see him as innocent and naive, as he knows very little about the Tower itself. Throughout Part I, his main motivation for climbing the Tower is simply to be with Rachel.

  • 2. Aguero Agnis Khun:
    - Age: Around 17
    - Gender: Male
    - About Character:

    Khun Aguero Agnis, an E-Rank Regular affiliated with the Khun Family, is commonly known by the name "Khun." He shares a close friendship with Twenty-Fifth Bam, who is recognized as one of the principal protagonists in the series Tower of God. While Khun's remarkable intellectual capabilities are a primary asset, they are not his sole area of expertise. He also possesses outstanding physical abilities and demonstrates proficiency as a Light Bearer. His combat skills are undeniably formidable.

  • 3. Rak Wraithraiser:
    - Age: ages
    - Gender: Male
    - About Character:

    Rak Wraithraiser is a Regular. He didn't want to partner with Baam and Khun during the first test on the Second Floor, but they worked together and got through the other tests as a team. He was chosen for the Spear Bearer role. Rak is a big and strong fighter, and he believes in himself a lot.

  • 4. Rachel:
    - Age: ages
    - Gender: Male
    - About Character:

    Rachel, who is also called Michelle Light, was Baam's closest and only friend. She was the only one who came to see him in his "cave." She dreams of seeing the stars, which is one of the legendary prizes at the top of the Tower, because she is afraid of the Night.

Plot Summary

There is a tower that calls certain people, known as "Regulars," with the promise of giving them their biggest wishes. Whether it's money, fame, power, or something even better—everything is waiting for those who can reach the top.

Twenty-Fifth Bam is a boy who has only ever known a dark cave, a ragged cloth, and a distant light. When a girl named Rachel appears to him through that light, everything changes for him. As they become good friends, he learns a lot about the world outside. But when Rachel tells him she has to leave to climb the Tower, it breaks his heart. He promises to follow her no matter what, and then something amazing happens.

This is how Bam's journey begins. He is a boy who was not chosen by the Tower but managed to open its doors on his own. People like him are called "Irregulars"—they shake up the Tower's rules every time they enter...


Anime Tower of God

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Debkumar Sato Kirisima

Founder of Ravoanime, dedicated to curating high-quality anime content for fans and providing an exceptional viewing and downloading experience.


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